About Us
What is Aikido?
Aikido is a modern martial art created by its Founder, Morihei Ueshiba.
The Aikikai Foundation is an association that was established in order to support inheritance of Aikido created by its Founder, to train body and mind through Aikido and to promote Aikido. Today, Aikido is practiced in 130 countries around the world.
What is Bunkyo-ku Aikikai?
Bunkyo-ku Aikikai was founded in 1985 through the cooperation of Bunkyo Aikikai and Hakusan Aikikai, which were based in Bunkyo-Ward. Since its establishment, we have been striving to train our minds and bodies through the practice, to improve our character with the spirit of harmony, and ultimately to contribute to our society. Our doors are wide open to everyone, from a new student to a very experienced practitioner. We do our best efforts to understand and spread Aikido. We are serious and try hard to acquire techniques, strengthen mind and body, while we value our friendship inside and outside our dojo to share the joy of Aikido. We are a non-profit organization maid up of Aikido lovers and run by interested members.